Sick at last....

Publié le par Bénédicte Laur

On Friday I didn't do much apart from a superb 2 hours Thai massage (the real one and not the pornographic thingy). Around 7.00 pm I booked myself a one day tour for the Golden Triangle for the next day.

However, I never made that tour as fever and stomach cramps started creeping in around 8.00 pm. I dropped my friends at a restaurant as I was feeling weaker and weaker by the minute. Alas, it was pouring down rain and flip flops just don't go along with wet weather....neither do cars driving in a huge poodle right next to you...

I finally made it back 15 minutes later, after a hot shower I crawled into my huge bed and yeap...I was sick all night long as well as the next day. I only got out of bet around 6.00 pm and only because I had some phone appointments and to meet the other guys again..

Today I'm still not doing great, the fever is gone but the tummy cramps are defenitly still enjoying themselves. However, I'm heading to Laos with the English and Dutch couple. We have a mini bus taking us to Chiang Khong the frontier, and tomorrow we're taking the slow boat to Louang Phabang, a 2 days journey.

By the way, I now have a skype address under the name of....Benedicte Laur, so if anyone has the same let me know so that I can eventually call them when I go on the net. Thailand is fantastic on a net basis and they have Skype in most places.

So Laos, here I come...


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Laos, ca va être top !<br /> Bon rétablissement,<br /> Lionel et Estelle<br /> fiancés depuis peu !
Coucou Béné<br /> J'avais pas mal de retard quant au suivi de tes aventures...j'ai donc rattrapé petit à petit jusqu'à...ce que tu écrives en anglais, là, la sélection est impitoyable ! Je reconnais bien quelques mots mais trop peu en vérité (faut que je m'y remette !!!). Quand je serais au niveau et si tu n'es pas rentrée avant, je profiterais donc de la suite de ton périple. En attendant, gros bisous ma belle